1. Ysense
Ref Link : https://www.ysense.com/?rb=59412317
This site has recently removed Paid to click advertisements from its site earnings list but you can still earn a lot from completing tasks, taking surveys, completing offers and also you can earn from your referral earnings. This site has more than 10 years of experience.
2. Golden-Mines :
Ref Link : https://golden-mines.org/?i=85026
Ref Link : https://golden-mines.org/?i=85026
The most easiest way of earning few dollars is by signing up in this site. The process of earning is very easy-
1. After signup first you need to claim the daily bonus every day(i.e. after every 24hrs), if you trust this site then you can even invest into this site.
2. Once you have reached a certain amount then the real thing starts now, i.e. you have to hire gnomes, depending upon the amount you have in your purchase balance.
3. Your gnomes starts producing ores depending upon their units per hour.
4. Once your gnomes reach a certain no. of units then go to warehouse ore section, and click on "carry to warehouse" button.
5. Now go to processing ore section and click on "recycle all" button.(Note 100 units=1 gold)
Here the units will be converted to gold in the ratio of 70:30 i.e. 70% goes to your purchase balance and remaining 30% goes to your withdraw balance.
6. Once you reach 100 gold in your withdraw balance(i.e. $1) and acquired 100 cashout points then you can withdraw to your payment processor(Here cashout points can be acquired either by investing some money(40% will be received by you as cashout points) or if some one invest into this site (you will receive 10% as cashout points if you were active for 24 hrs).
3. Star-clicks :
4. Captcha Solving Sites :
These are the sites which pays you for solving the captcha given by them correctly in a specified time. More fast you type more earning you will get.
a. Bitgames :
Ref id : https://www.bitgames.io/?affid=3323147
For every hcaptcha you solve you will receive 25 points, and also you can claim points using faucet. And once you reach 100000 points you can request cashout.
b. MegaTypers :
Invitation Code : F2HN
To login into this site you must have an invitation code, otherwise you can't able to register. So, use my invitation code mentioned above. Also this site conducts contest every 20 mins, so if you are good in typing very fast then you can earn even more.
c. 2captcha :
Ref Link : http://2captcha.com/?from=7833442
This site is similar to Megatypers. You will earn in this site based on how fast you solve the captcha given by the site. It is better to solve the captcha when rate per 1000 clicks is more.
5. Auto Claim Sites :
There are only few sites which encourages you to earn cryptocurrencies using auto claim feature, where you do not needed to click every time, the system itself will generate cryptocurrencies for you based upon how much points you have.
4. Paid to Read Sites :
Following are the sites which are paid to read the mails sent to your email id. There is no need to login to check whether you received ads or not. You will received some ads as mails just like notification and click them to earn few cents.
a. Clicksgenie :
Ref Id : https://clicksgenie.com/default.aspx?u=2682
In this site you can directly click the ads you receive to your email and money will be credited to your account instantly. You don't need to login everytime to click the ads. But remember that you must login every 20 days into your account to avoid being inactive.
b. Donkeymails :
Ref Id : https://donkeymails.com/pages/index.php?refid=tjcreddi16
In this site you don't need to login into the site everytime to check whether you received any new ad or not. Instead you will receive an email whenever you receive any new ad.
c. Getpaidmail :
Ref Id : https://www.getpaidmail.com/pages/index.php?refid=tjcreddi16
Just like Donkymails in this site too you don't need to login into the site everytime to check whether you received any new ad or not. Instead you will receive an email whenever you receive any new ad.
d. No-minimum :
Ref Id : https://www.no-minimum.com/pages/index.php?refid=tjcreddi16
Just like Donkymails and Getpaidmail in this site too you don't need to login into the site everytime to check whether you received any new ad or not. Instead you will receive an email whenever you receive any new ad.
3. Star-clicks :
Ref Link : http://www.star-clicks.com/?ref=50364386
This site is similar to Paid to Click(PTC) sites. But only difference is that the ads present in this site loads very very fast i.e. for less than 3 seconds and each ad is worth $0.01. So you can earn a lot within a few minutes.4. Captcha Solving Sites :
These are the sites which pays you for solving the captcha given by them correctly in a specified time. More fast you type more earning you will get.
a. Bitgames :
Ref id : https://www.bitgames.io/?affid=3323147
For every hcaptcha you solve you will receive 25 points, and also you can claim points using faucet. And once you reach 100000 points you can request cashout.
b. MegaTypers :
Invitation Code : F2HN
To login into this site you must have an invitation code, otherwise you can't able to register. So, use my invitation code mentioned above. Also this site conducts contest every 20 mins, so if you are good in typing very fast then you can earn even more.
c. 2captcha :
Ref Link : http://2captcha.com/?from=7833442
This site is similar to Megatypers. You will earn in this site based on how fast you solve the captcha given by the site. It is better to solve the captcha when rate per 1000 clicks is more.
5. Auto Claim Sites :
There are only few sites which encourages you to earn cryptocurrencies using auto claim feature, where you do not needed to click every time, the system itself will generate cryptocurrencies for you based upon how much points you have.
a. Autoclaim :
Ref Id for Bitcoin : https://autoclaim.in/ref/7c7d549557119b22689c8cb5e7d7c100
In this site you can autoclaim from bitcoin sites, you will be credited based on the time you have selected in settings page, ranging from 1 minute to 5 minutes. Also this site is having manual click option which is better than autoclaim.
b. AutoBitcoin :
Ref Id for Bitcoin : https://autobitco.in/ref/BTC/1HqWdPrYHTt58XCqxR8rSJ9tPDnUhyvsMn
In this site you can autoclaim from bitcoin sites, you will be credited based on the time you have selected in settings page ranging from 1 minute to 5 minutes. Also this site is having manual click option which is better than autoclaim.
c. AutoFaucet :
Ref Id for Bitcoin : https://autofaucet.org/ref/7c7d549557119b22689c8cb5e7d7c100
In this site you can autoclaim from bitcoin sites, you will be credited based on the time you have selected in settings page ranging from 1 minute to 5 minutes. Also this site is having manual click option which is better than autoclaim.
Following are the sites which are paid to read the mails sent to your email id. There is no need to login to check whether you received ads or not. You will received some ads as mails just like notification and click them to earn few cents.
a. Clicksgenie :
Ref Id : https://clicksgenie.com/default.aspx?u=2682
In this site you can directly click the ads you receive to your email and money will be credited to your account instantly. You don't need to login everytime to click the ads. But remember that you must login every 20 days into your account to avoid being inactive.
b. Donkeymails :
Ref Id : https://donkeymails.com/pages/index.php?refid=tjcreddi16
In this site you don't need to login into the site everytime to check whether you received any new ad or not. Instead you will receive an email whenever you receive any new ad.
Ref Id : https://www.getpaidmail.com/pages/index.php?refid=tjcreddi16
Just like Donkymails in this site too you don't need to login into the site everytime to check whether you received any new ad or not. Instead you will receive an email whenever you receive any new ad.
Ref Id : https://www.no-minimum.com/pages/index.php?refid=tjcreddi16
Just like Donkymails and Getpaidmail in this site too you don't need to login into the site everytime to check whether you received any new ad or not. Instead you will receive an email whenever you receive any new ad.
(*) When you register, if the Referrer Case is empty then type the referrer as "tjcreddi16" manually or as requested to mention. As some sites pay signup bonus if you join their sites through a referral link so join with my ref link So that, both you and I will get benefited at the same time as .
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